1-2-3: Hide Your Dagger Behind A Smile


Fulong is an avid enthusiast of military history and the creator of the Journal of Warfare. Every Monday, he sends out a newsletter containing one thrilling story, two warfare lessons, and three favorite quotes.

Hey – It’s Fulong.

It’s been a windy week here. The trees look like they’ll fall down any second now and dusk keeps getting into my eyes. But we can’t let that get in the way of writing this newsletter, can we…

Estimated read time: 1 minute 50 seconds

Let’s get started…

One Thrilling Story


How the Queen Got Rid of Her Competition

​During the Warring States Period of Ancient China, the king of Wei sent a beautiful courtesan to the king of Chu who took great delight in the new girl.

His queen, Zheng Xiu, knowing how fond the king was of his new woman, treated the newcomer as a sister supplying her with gifts and treasures and whatever she needed.

The king, hearing of this, summoned his queen and said, “A woman serves a man with her beauty and thus jealousy is a part of her very nature. Yet you, knowing how much I am pleased by the new woman, have treated her more kindly than I have myself. These are the actions of a child to her parents or a minister to his ruler. How unexpected it is to find this in a queen to her husband.”

The queen thus knew that her husband did not suspect her of jealousy.

When she next met with the new girl the queen told her, “His majesty is much taken with your beauty but he dislikes the shape of your nose. When next you serve him be sure to cover it with your hand.”

Grateful for this advice, when she next served the king this is what she did.

The next day the king asked his queen, “The new woman covers her nose when she is with me. Do you know why?”

“I know,” replied the queen.

“Well then no matter how unpleasant, you must tell me the reason.”

“It seems she does not like the way your majesty smells.”

“That shrew!” cried the king.

In a rage, the king ordered that the unfortunate girl’s nose be cut off.

Two Warfare Tips


Hide A Dagger Behind Your Smile​

This story is undoubtedly immoral, and I hope that you will not use this lesson for similarly immoral actions.

However, it is certainly true that in any contest where the stakes are high, kindness and goodwill are quickly discarded.

To hide sinister intentions behind a facade of friendship and loyalty is standard practice in the upper echelons of power.​


Don’t Let Your Emotions Undermine You​

One thing the queen did well was to understand that acting emotionally was not going to help.

She was certainly jealous, but that did not mean she threw a tantrum about it which almost certainly would have gotten her in trouble.

She played the part of the friend and got into the good graces of the king as well. When the time came to make her move, not a single person suspected her of ill-will.

Three Favourite Quotes


Jiang Ziya on concealing actions:​

“Speak deferentially, listen respectfully, follow his commands, and accord with him in everything. He will never imagine you might be in conflict with him. Our treacherous measures will then be settled.”​


Jean-Jacques Rousseau on having tolerance to be patient:​

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”​


Bruce Lee on not giving in to emotions:​

“Emotion can be the enemy, if you give into your emotion, you lose yourself. You must be at one with your emotions, because the body always follows the mind.”

See you sooner or later — Fulong

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